This Fulton County Retired Employees Association, Inc. (FCREA) website features information for Fulton County, GA government retirees receiving health and pension benefits under Defined Benefit Plan ("old") or 401(a) Defined Contribution Plan ("new") from the Board of Commissioners.
(Active employees in the Defined Benefit Plan: here's what you need to know before retiring.)
The FCREA provides:
- Monitoring of retiree pension and healthcare policy changes enacted by Fulton County Government.
- Bimonthly meetings featuring speakers on retiree topics, and a chance to see old acquaintances. Open to members and non-members!
- Quarterly Newsletter about retiree policies, pension and FCREA finances, latest retirees, deceased retirees, meetings, and FCREA officer information.
- Emails to keep up with County policy updates.
- Membership Directory viewable via the Member Login, or reserve a hard copy.
- Appointment (via vote) of retiree representatives to serve on the Fulton County Pension Board.
Member Benefits:
Changed Your Postal or Email Address?
Due to privacy laws, the FCREA and the Pension Office can NOT exchange your information! Inform each entity separately!
(All Retirees)
Tell the
Pension Office
IMPORTANT! Use form at link. Submit changes BEFORE the 15th of the month for the changes to be reflected the next payday.
View Retirement Documents Online!
Retirement Self Service (RSS)
Desktop, Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone
-- Email the Pension Office to sign up.
-- Log in at least monthly to keep page refreshed and updated.
-- PROBLEMS? Let the Pension Office know. Staff will contact IT.
Get Ready For 65!
Under age 65? Click the title for links that will help you prepare for the decisions you'll have to make about Medicare and Social Security BEFORE you reach this birthday!