The FCREA has long advocated for integrity, honesty, fairness and improvements in pension and healthcare benefits for Fulton County retirees.
*FCREA supported a Federal Court case in 1998 that:
1) Requires Fulton County to provide health insurance coverage at a cost level consistent with the requirements mandated by our pension plans;
2) Insures that health insurance coverage to retirees on Medicare won't be treated as a Medigap policy;
3) Provides for a settlement that resulted in the refund by Fulton County of excessive health insurance premiums paid by many retirees; and
4) Provides by court order for the annual monitoring of health insurance premium rates by the Association to insure that the rates comply with the levels outlined in our pension plans.
FCREA created a Health Benefits Oversight Committee to monitor the impact of healthcare plans on retirees.
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